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Hudson Montessori School
10 Regent St
Group Class
4 yrs - 6 yrs
60 Mins
1hour per week (14 weeks)
Soccer: Beginner/intermediate Tiger Paw Academy is delighted to resume its soccer program for the Spring semester as part of Hudson Montessori’s After-School Program! Our soccer curriculum engages Hudson Montessori students in a dynamic sport with ever-changing scenarios. Through interactive games, children will develop quick thinking and responsiveness as they track the ball and the movements of fellow players, fostering improved focus and attention. Our committed trainers are dedicated to enhancing various facets of participants' well-being, emphasizing the improvement of motor skills, hand/foot/eye coordination, flexibility, aerobic health, and overall fitness. * Fun and Exciting Games * Skill, Age & Level Appropriate Learning * Small player to Trainer Ratios * Over 15 years of Coaching Experience
The Montessori environment sets up a child for success by inspiring our students to discover, practice, and master skills on their own with teachers as their guides. We provide students with the materials, and they discover infinite possibilities at all ages. A beautiful component of the Montessori model is the multi-age-level approach to learning, with students as mentors. Our assemblies each week offer students a forum for presenting their ideas and showing their peers and teachers what they have created. Students receive valuable feedback, reflect on their work, and consider their next steps or a future project.
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