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New City Kids
240 Fairmount Ave
Group Class
6 yrs - 14 yrs
Kids learn how to play fun songs using proper fingering and proper posture. They learn basic music theory such as musical alphabet, major and minor scales, and how to form triad chords in their first year. Kids continue to grow by using inversions, playing with left hand, and learning up tempo songs.
New City Kids offers after-school programming for local low-income youth. Children and teens get a chance to explore music and academics in a creative and fun environment. Though there are many challenges of urban life, especially for youth, these programs give children a safe place to feel and hear that they are valued and loved. New City Kids aims to draw children into hope by developing in them skills, talents, and desires for their future. By surrounding them with a community of love and development, we strive to set youth on a path of transformation that will carry them forward for the rest of their lives.
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