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AlphaMinds Academy
225 Morris Blvd
Group Class
10 yrs - 12 yrs
1hour per week (20 weeks)
This class is for students who have thoroughly mastered the basics of fractions and decimals, including addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators and multiplication and division of decimals by a whole number. We will continue with multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers, multiplication and division of decimals, order of operations, percentage, and the connection of percent-fraction-decimals. Students will be solving harder word problems involving fractions and percents, ratio and rate, triangle and quadrilateral geometry, and more complex area, perimeter, and volume problems. Finally, we will be solving many non-routine word problems and puzzles from different areas of mathematics.
AlphaMinds Academy is an academic and enrichment program that provides students of all ages and abilities the opportunity to learn in a fun, creative atmosphere. Classes offered: Chess, Coding, Logic, Mathematics, Reading, Essay Writing, Languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish) In-person and online classes | Group and private Whether your child is looking for extra help in a subject or advanced instruction beyond their school's program, AlphaMinds Academy provides students with the tools and confidence to achieve their full potential!
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