Intermediate Python
Jersey City
Group Class
14 yrs - 17 yrs
Available Times
Class Tuition
In Intermediate Python, the second course in the Python Language Track, students continue their journey to master the fundamentals of the Python programming language. The focus of this course is getting data into and out of a Python program in various ways. Students will explore standard data formats, such as TXT, CSV, and JSON, and cover the basics of pulling external data into Python programs from 3rd-party APIs. Python is used extensively for data processing tasks, so every Python developer needs to understand these essential topics and tools. We’ll also cover the remainder of Python’s fundamental data structures and go more in-depth into those covered in the previous course. After finishing Intermediate Python, students are ready to enter the final course in the Python Language Track; Advanced Python.
About CodeWizardsHQ
Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens CodeWizardsHQ delivers the most fun and effective live, online coding classes for kids and teens ages 8-18. Our coding classes are designed to give kids the programming knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in a digital world. We believe computer coding is for everyone, and anyone can learn to write code. Our magic happens in the classroom where our exceptional teachers use a student-first approach to teach real programming languages like Python, Java, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. Each of our online coding classes for kids and teens is tailored to engage elementary, middle, and high-school students with a pop-culture-themed curriculum that is comprehensive, developmental, challenging, and yes, fun!
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