Tessa Prep: Russian
Tessa International School
720 Monroe St suite e105 106
Group Class
4 yrs - 6 yrs
Available Times
Tuesday Class
90min per week (12 weeks)
• Sibling Discounts: Second Child (10%), Third Child (10%)
TessaPrep Russian is an immersion class which takes place for 1.5 hours a week on Saturday. The goal of the after school language program is to teach students the language and culture through varied activities including art projects, games, songs, and other cultural activities. Basic elements include listening, speaking and an introduction to writing/spelling/characters. The program strives to provide a multi-sensory, highly interactive, engaging and fun environment for learning, in a safe and supervised environment. Children will be directly involved in their enjoyment of learning.
About Tessa International School
These are our pillars! At Tessa we help children reach their fullest potential, and how much they can accomplish. We love sharing the beauty and excitement of different cultures and languages with our young students. Tessa International School offers an education and community like no other in the area. Through understanding and respect, we aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring children of the world, and future leaders of tomorrow.
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