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Kidz City Day Care & Learning Center
834 Washington St
Child Care
12 mo - 2 yrs
Pre-toddlers are extremely curious and active learners, and our teachers recognize this and tailor their classroom specifically for the adventurous nature of this age group. Each day is filled with teacher guided open play time, as the toddlers learn how to interact with one another and the materials around them. Our Pre-toddlers will be using a Pre-toddler curriculum that incorporates music, language, large and fine motor skills, art, cognitive, and sensory experience on a daily basis. The teachers at Kidz City foster all development by providing Pre-toddlers with all the tools and activities needed to grow and learn in a way that is developmentally appropriate and geared towards each child's unique personality.
Parent attendance Recommended
Kidz City Daycare & Learning Center provides an enriched learning environment that cultivate your child’s talents and nurtures it. Founded in 2006, our schools are located in Hoboken and Union City and reflects the diverse backgrounds and cultures of the areas. Our experienced and qualified team ensures that your child will learn in a fun and educational way each and every day.
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