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Mile Square Theatre
1400 Clinton St
Group Class
12 yrs - 17 yrs
90min per week (36 weeks)
A more advanced study of ballet. Class follows the same template as Intermediate 2 Ballet with increasingly complex movement vocabulary and flowing combinations of classical ballet. Musicality is emphasized as dancers begin to move with greater sophistication and skill. Intermediate 3 Ballet students will build upon the skills gained from their Intermediate 2 studies and advance to Pointework.
Mile Square Theatre was founded in 2003 as a non-profit professional theatre. We enrich and engage the region through the production of professional theatre and innovative arts education. Our dance and theatre classes are designed to instill a life-long interest in the arts. The Theatre traditionally engages thousands of people throughout the Greater Hudson County community each year through a dynamic season of new work, gently used pieces, and a robust series of education and community engagement programs performed at Mile Square Theatre’s 116-seat house. We build transformative education experiences that enhance teacher practice, deepen student learning, and ignite the present and futures of young people through embracing the arts.
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